The purpose of the Workforce Development Subcommittee is to oversee the Racial Equity Workshop logistics and participation; support and promote workforce development for RMJJ partners; develop local training resources; and provide a schedule and content to support the members of the Leadership Team as they deepen their analysis.
The purpose of the Research, Evaluation, and Data-based Subcommittee is to develop policies and procedures to support RMJJ output data collection and sustainability; evaluate RMJJ outcome data and tell the story of change; and collect and disseminate RMJJ partners’ and public racial disproportionality and disparity (RDD) data to inform our community.
The purpose of the Practice Change Subcommittee is to gather information regarding practice change within organizations/ agencies/institutions as a result of the organizations’/agencies’/ institutions’ participation in RMJJ and any data collected or evaluations conducted on the practice changes; report those practice changes, data and evaluation results to the RMJJ Leadership Team; make available to the organizations/agencies/
The purpose of the Youth, Parent, and Community Partnerships Subcommittee (YPCP) is to: engage, educate, and empower youth and parents, especially those involved in the Juvenile Court system; create and implement strategies to build sustainable partnerships with public, private, and civic sector community leaders and groups; and develop strategies to encourage and strengthen neighborhood and community dialogue about racism, resistance to racism, and the creation of racial equity.
The purpose of the Legislative, Policy Change, and Finance Reform Subcommittee is to be a collaborative group working together to impact system leaders’ discretionary decisions that will lead to the reduction of disproportionality and disparate outcomes within schools, law enforcement and juvenile justice, as well as providing educational information regarding legislative policies.
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